Saved by Jesus
We were saved!
“I will make a road through the wilderness…”
Isaiah 43:19
Do you struggle in family and close friendship relationships?
I did, too!
For years I was in deep pain and agony throughout my life, so much so that I was writing about ending my life at a very young age for about 9 years. I just wanted the pain and torment to end.
I searched for security in pretty much everything. Men, wine, shopping, self-love, going to university and getting an education, pursuing a career, money, and it all eventually landed me on a deep and hard inner healing journey.
Married 2 times, divorced both times. Began friendships and then ended them because I did not know how to move through anxiety and fear that came up in me when I felt unsafe.
Searching for safety has been the greatest theme of my life, up until now.
In March of 2022, both my sister and I encountered the living and loving presence of Jesus Christ. This is a supernatural experience that is very hard to describe.
I had only read a couple scriptures in the Holy Bible about a month before, thinking "Hey, I have tried buddha, religions such as bahai, sikhism, hinduism, shamanism, yoga, magic mushrooms, chakras, reiki, crystals, sound baths, breathing techniques, somatic healing, shakti, shiva, positive affirmation, law of attraction, rewriting my brain, gene keys, human design, inner child healing and other things which kept me on a looping wheel with moments of relief but nothing lasting.
When we both encountered Jesus Christ, we were living in two different countries. We knew nothing about what the other was going through with Jesus.
One day my sister called me, "Meisha, you are the only one I feel I can share this with...I think I have found Jesus Christ, and you are the one in our family who has been on a spiritual journey, so what do you think about Jesus?"
Elated and so excited I replied, "Andrea, I am so happy to hear this because a few days ago I encountered the living presence of Jesus Christ, too! And He has revealed to me so much. He is our Lord and Savior and He is healing me right now in ways I have been searching my whole life!"
My sister said, "Oh my goodness, Meisha, I can't wait to share with you what I have been going through..." And she proceeded to share with me her own personal supernatural experience with Christ.
The Lord quickly began to break strongholds that were on our family keeping my sister and I apart and pitted against one another.
Family dysfunction is NOT how God made us, and this is the good news!
God sent Jesus Christ to set us free from the consequences of our sin and the pain of unhealed woundings which create open doors to unclean spirits that love to wreak havoc in our families, tearing us all apart and living in fear, unresolved issues, shame, relational dysfunction, anger, anxiety, bitterness, unforgiveness and resentment.
There is so much power in the name of Jesus Christ. His name casts down unclean spirits, which I have been delivered from more than 25 of them. As each one comes out of me over the past two and a half years, I am more and more set free.
Inner Healing and Deliverance has set me free.
Unclean spirits / demons are real. They are always on the prowl looking for depressed and lonely, sad and confused, lost souls who do not know who they are.
Some reading this will judge me. Some will think I have gone mad, but nothing is further from the truth.
I share my testimony to give real hope to those who suffer deeply from loneliness, anxiety, fear, suicidal thinking, constant restlessness, paranoia, addiction, self-harm, self-shame, wondering what on earth is wrong with them.
This can be one of the most scariest places to be within, and most people honestly have no idea what to do or say when we are tormented like this.
Anti-anxiety meds don't solve it. Embodiment practices don't solve it. Staying angry doesn't solve it. Staying isolated doesn't solve it. Staying in unforgiveness doesn't solve it. Staying afraid doesn't solve it. Going to traditional therapy does not solve it.
But what does put an end to this kind of torment is Jesus Christ, because He is the one who casts out demons and unclean spirits from us, and He offers the gift of redemption for our own sins and the supernatural power to forgive anyone who has violated, neglected or abused us in their own unhealed woundings.
Generational trauma ends when Jesus Christ steps into our families and covers at least one member in the family.
There is hope for being set free from relational dysfunctions, fear and agony of disconnection. We all just need to feel the unconditional love, nurture and protection of our Heavenly Father.
When this happens, the inner healing and deliverance begins and the family is then set free. There are many ways we can also walk through this journey, which is called sanctification, a purification from all of the fear and shame, and becoming more loving like Jesus. But the healing journey cannot be bypassed, because the pain we feel from the past must be released from our wounded soul in order to love others unconditionally.
All of our negative and dysfunctional relating patterns come from unhealed woundings within. The more Jesus heals our soul, the more we can love others in wise and healthy ways.
Imagine living no more in co-dependence. Your foundation is secure and feeling offended and hurt by others just isn't an issue anymore. Even when someone is really disrespecting you, you can actually begin to pray for them in your heart! Wow, this is so much freedom for me now.
When we see how the enemy (satan) works through our unhealed woundings causing us to mistreat ourselves and other human beings, we can spot the bait that is being used against us, and walk in real love and in the wisdom of God. We are granted God's perspective of the dysfunction all around us and within us, and He offers us mercy, grace, peace and love that is beyond what we can fathom. And that is because it is literally the power of the Holy Spirit!
There is freedom in Christ Jesus.
If Jesus Christ can set my family free, He can set your family free too!
I love my family so much. They are all precious to me. We have a solid foundation for loving now, and we still experience ups and downs, but no longer does it cause us to disconnect like it used to. We are a family who is healing, and my sister and I just want to share the hope for healing and restoration that is possible for all. I believe God is doing a mighty work right now, things are changing and when we turn a curious gaze to Jesus Christ, everything starts to make sense. Everything.
In Faith and Love,
(pic from our baptism, giving our lives to Jesus!)