This is a 6-Month Course designed to equip you for Healthy Loving Relating and Life-Long Relationships, Biblically and Relationally sound.
This is for you if you want to:
Heal, Restore and Maintain Healthy Loving Relationships
Experience more joy, peace and love!
Effectively express yourself, and successfully listen to others
Learn how to repair and restore in conflict
Align with God’s way of Relating & Maintaining Relationships
Communicate from a base of faith, security, maturity, responsibility, healthy love and compassion
Love others well, and be loved well
No longer be a doormat, used by others, manipulated or gaslit
Know how to advocate for yourself
Become a safe and resourced person for others
Offer effective support to others when they are in need & cultivate healthy reciprocity
Learn how to set boundaries
Break free from generational relational dysfunction patterns
Cultivate caring, respectful and wise healthy connection with yourself, family, and community
Equip yourself a parent who knows how to create healthy bonding and enduring trust with your children
Were you unseen and unheard in your childhood, making it hard to connect with others now?
Are you praying for Resotration in your current relationships, seeking more peace & joy?
Are you seeking to create more fulfullment and satisfaction in your relationships?

Healthy Loving Relating can change your life!
Be a leader in Healthy Loving Relating.
Learn, practice and be confident in Healthy Relationship Skills.
You are invited to a 6-Month course that will shift the way you experience relating and connection.
Without effective relationship and communication skills, we do not do well.
With these skills and understandings, life is better. It’s as simple as that.
During this course I will teach you basic, easy to learn, yet effective tools and understandings to apply in your relational life. You can become fully resourced in your relationships.
If you want to experience more confidence, peace and joy in relationships - then this course is for you.
We will meet on Zoom weekly for 6 Months, a total of 24 sessions. You will also have access to an on-line portal with learning videos and practical put-to-use PDF’s to support you every step of the way. If I can learn these tools and support my relational life, you can too! You have lifetime access once you enroll. A Healthy Loving Relating Community will support you in learning, practicing and getting good at high-quality relating.
I’m very passionate about sharing this journey with you. I look forward to supporting you and others as you actively and purposefully create Healthy Loving Relationships that last, enduring through tough times with wisdom, and protecting the dignity of loving well, as God intends. No longer relating from your inner wounds, but from the New Creation in Christ God has made you to be.

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.”

If you’re ready to enjoy biblically and relationally sound relationships…
If you’re ready to let go of the blame and shame cycles and enjoy healthy relating in life…
If you’re ready to see and be seen, hear and be heard, honor and be honored, cultivating relationship restoration…
If you’re ready to let go of the past, and love the way God intends…
Even if you’re not sure how it’s possible…
And you wonder how it can happen…
There are relationship understandings that help us all love well, and learn how to be loved well in return…
If you’re feeling frustrated, insecure and doubtful about Healthy Loving Relationship…
And you know that Jesus has much more for you…
In this world that is God-less, moving fast, often unkind, and aims to steer us far away from one another…
We stand strong in healthy loving relating with jesus in our hearts!

I stood where you stand now. My relationships used to be very confusing and painful. Always triggered, not knowing how to express myself effectively and maturely. I felt silenced and unexpressed. I was like a wounded little child, not knowing how effective and wise communication sounded. I was confused, lonely and frustrated. I didn’t know how to express or listen well. Isolation seemed to be my best option. But then one day I made a bold declaration that I would learn how to communicate differently, and learn how to what Romans 12:12 tells us, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, and be constant in prayer.” I wanted to learn how to be authentic, sincere, patient and truly loving. I wanted to be set free from fear, shame, bitterness, resentment and un-forgiveness.
I used to be confused about relating, but after much learning and practice I no longer feel afraid or confused, but instead faithful and clear as God guides me. I know when I need to bring it to God to fight the battle for me, and I know when I need to say something. I know when I need to listen well, and I know when I need to pray more bringing it to God for revelation and the way through. Learning how to listen with the heart of our Heavenly Father changed my life, and I want this for you too!
After working for over 10 years with people from various walks of life, I have witnessed families re-unite a new with these understandings. My own family has been re-connected after 45 years of disconnect, fear and anger. It’s not always easy, but now there is a language of connection that brings us closer instead of further away. There is hope and healing with Healthy Loving Relating.
The cause of relational suffering, hurting and heartbreak is rooted in lack of real connection, stifled by fear and doubt. We are hurt deeply in poor relating at early ages, and often do not take the time to learn how to connect better. But it’s never too late! This course and community will be a healing companion to your own inner healing journey, while teaching you the ins and outs of healthy loving parenting, loving, relating and bonding.
I want to invite you to join me in creating the shift toward Healthy Loving Relating, so together we can love people into the arms of Jesus while ensuring that our family and communities are relationally supported.
If you feel called to experience more safety and love, more healthy relating in your life, PLEASE JOIN US.
Come join me and others from all over the globe for a LIFE CHANGING JOURNEY!
Trauma has created so much isolation.
We do not need to keep suffering alone.
God designed us to communicate and connection with healthy love, as He loves each one of us.
Healthy Loving Relationship can grow in our families. The keys to connectedness help us grow together as a community. We are here to help one another make this shift from dysfunctional relating to Healthy Loving Relating. We need one another to do this, and Jesus is with us every step of the way.

Healthy Loving Relating
By learning the foundations of Healthy Loving Relating, you can grow in becoming a secure person who can love others wisely, boldly and without fear. Faith-Based, Christ-Centered Loving from a firm foundation upon God’s Word. Together in a safe community, we will help one another along the journey toward secure, loving, thriving, and Holy Spirit led connection.
1 John 4:18 reads, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.”
details for course
We meet Thursdays / April 10 - september 18 on Zoom
Thursday Nights @ 5-7PM (PST)
Full Teaching Portal on-line with videos and learning manuals
you will have lifetime access to the learning modules so you can continue learning and referencing the information
"Somewhere in the lives of all successfully loving people, there was a person or persons who reached inside and connected with them. Someone who got to the heart, who bonded. And not for some brief event or interchange, but consistently and over a period of time. Someone who got there and stayed there. The connection is what brings us the elements of what we need." ~ Dr. John Townsend

What is Healthy Loving Relating?
It is a biblically and relationally sound approach to creating relational security in the family, friendship and fellowship. Based on God’s Word, HLR teaches you how to responsibly express and listen, creating a secure foundation when relating with others and cultivating emotional and spiritual security in relationships.
It is also an approach to healing that is trauma-informed, preparing families to come out of survival and into living, loving in the Spirit, while firmly grounded on the Word of God.
Peter’s teaching that we bring God’s grace to one another: “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”
God loves us every day, in more than one way, and He designed things so that we are to be connected to Him directly, and by Him indirectly, through people. That is normal and good. If you experience only a need for God and no need to open up to people, you will benefit from this course, and it will help you relate to others the way the Holy Bible teaches. Here is a safe place for your to grow spiritually and emotionally. We take time to connect with one another no matter what is going on in the group, not only as a service to one another in our community course, but as a way to model how to support loved ones at home, helping individuals walk through devastation and hardship.
Sometimes people feel they are too much of a burden, or they don’t know how to share vulnerably, or they just feel afraid to express themselves. This course will give you the time and space to be supported and to support others, using the skills and tools you are learning through first-hand experiences and sharings. This course will both help you along your own inner healing and in the building of your skill-set when loving and being loved within your family, friends and fellowship communities.

Connecting must come from the heart.
Ephesians 4:25 Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.
You will learn
how to express with confidence, skill and wisdom
how to responsively listen with respect, discernment and humility
how to repair after disconnect or arguments
practical relating Skills to remain in connection while old wounds are getting triggered
how to Fortify your Voice, identity and authority in jesus christ within relationship
how to journal for your own inner healing and create a healthy relationship with yourself
how to emotionally Support yourself and others while in pain
tips on how to re-connect to your children after you were the one who hurt your child out of your own traumatized patterns
how to own your own experience without shame or blame / communicate with grace

What others have experienced
Working with Meisha has been incredibly supportive and transformational for me over the last few months…With Meisha’s help, I am tuning into my feelings and actually feeling them — and having them witnessed and supported… I am making huge shifts in my life, getting free from some unhealthy relationships that I’ve known weren’t serving me but that I couldn’t find a way to step away from, and just feeling much better. It is really hard work though and would be so hard to do on my own — I am so thankful to be guided, supported and connected in community as I do this work and go though this time of great change and awakening in my life.
Meisha is commited to her own inner healing and supporting others. She is a devoted student who embodies what she teaches. I love her transparency about her own unique journey and her acceptance about the difficult aspects in life. Meisha provides a secure environment where you feel safe to let down your walls, be seen, heard and supported. She honors your process and makes you feel like you are right where you need to be. Anyone who goes on this journey with Meisha will come out accepting where they are, having more clarity and feeling more connected to others, themselves and to God. Thank You, Meisha!
Working with Meisha over the past six months has helped me regain a path of balance and a renewed sense of self determination and strength. With the guidance of her clear and empathetic instruction, I am learning to reunite with my self and with God, and it reveals what has been hidden through fear, apprehension and anxiety...I have transformed in beautiful and powerful ways.
Working with Meisha has been life-changing. I am experiencing such deep healing that I didn’t even know I needed. I have had more breakthroughs In the first two months of coaching than I had in years. With Meisha’s guidance and the self-inquiry tools I learned from her, I have become much more aware of how my patterns have created blockages in various areas in my life. My relationships have never been healthier and my work is so much more fulfilling. Meisha’s coaching and the community she has created have both been a great support. I know that what I am learning in these months will continue to benefit me for the rest of my life.
I feel the most authentic and not afraid to be me... Meisha has an innate way of getting to the root of what may be getting in your way. She is strong yet gentle in her approach. My relationships are healing, and there is restoration within my family.

6 Month Course
$99 a month

I look forward to connecting with you during this course, within a Healthy Loving Relating Community!