In the Ministry of Inner Healing and Deliverance, the presence of Jesus Christ is called upon.
He is the one who heals and sets free. He can set you free from painful inner hurts, emotional numbness, trauma and trauma-bonding, relational bondage, relationship dysfunction, illness, addiction, depression, shame, fear and demonic oppression. Through your own first-hand supernatural experience with the Lord, you can walk in freedom from any lifetime bondage that has been created by sin and Satan. Set free from the destruction of un-repented sin, unforgivness, bitter roots of resentment, generational curses, occult activity and lingering soul wounds from unhealed trauma. The Lord sets us free over time, one wound at a time. When your soul is ready to be set free, the Lord will likely draw you to a ministry like this, so that you can be healed and delivered by His loving grace. Deliverance is a journey of humility, trust in the Lord, and faith. Where the spirit of the Lord is there is, there truly is freedom!
I love helping God’s Children Be Set Free to walk in the peace, love, joy, freedom and security that is given by Christ Jesus. He has done these miracles in my own life. I want to do the Lord’s will, so you can receive this healing and freedom, too.
This ministry is dedicated to empowering you to embrace deep healing and deliverance. If you are new to inner healing and deliverance, I assure you: YOU ARE SAFE in the embrace of the Lord. God wants to heal you from past trauma and suffering. As He does this, your intimacy with Jesus will grow, and you will walk in your true Kingdom Identity, Spiritual Authority, and Divine Inheritance. As you embrace your deep healing & deliverance journey, God will transform you from the inside out. The Lord will set you free over time, allowing future generations to walk free and in truth, as God intends. There are miracles of healing and deliverance for all ready to be set free!
The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound
(Isaiah 61:1)
This healing ministry depends on the Lord to provide financially through the generosity of the Body of Christ.
If you are not able to donate at this time, please reach out to your local church for support.
I have trained over the past 14 years in the areas of relational trauma healing, recovery after narcissistic abuse, emotional neglect, sexual exploitation, spiritual deception, counseling, coaching, family restoration, healthy communication and biblical relationship skill. I now create a safe space for God's children to receive the trauma-informed support needed through inner healing and deliverance from destructive demonic spirits whose purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy your life, and the lives of your descendants. Depending on your personal spiritual journey and the amount of unhealed trauma in your soul, your season of healing may take longer than others. This is a journey of surrender and faith, not a one-and-done healing session. Prayer sessions include time for soul healing, deliverance, and biblical counseling to advance in your faith and unlock deeper levels of intimacy with Jesus.
I am honored to be your healing and deliverance coach in this season of your precious life!
1. First Step: Offer Donation
Click the Donation Link below to select the amount to donate.
2. Second Step: Book Your Session
To schedule you may book here (Booking Link): INNER HEALING + DELIVERANCE SESSIONS
A Zoom Link will be sent to you to your email.
I am so happy you are drawing closer to the Lord at this time, and that I can be part of your journey as your
Inner Healing & Deliverance Coach!
My family has been set free by inner healing and deliverance and so can yours!
Jesus Christ can heal every wound, setting you and your family free from the accumulating pain of relational dysfunction. It’s time to walk in the abundant life that Jesus paid for on Calvary!