Deception in the "Healing Industry" : A Prophetic Message from God
Who’s ready to come home?
A prophetic message from God, for all those lost and confused.
A message from God ~ He’s calling more home right now!
It is not about feeling good or pleasurable.
My children have been deceived and they need to know they are being deceived in the healing industry with false modalities, practices, constructs, ideologies, and philosophies. They keep my children looping in circles on a “healing path” but they have been deceived and I want them set free. Satan has used the trauma they have endured against them. He walks freely through doors that my beloved children have opened and I want them free, NOW!
They are still lost and confused and I want them found and under my wing.
I want to provide them all a shelter, a rock, a Family of God that is steady, assured, loving, available and protected. All they need to do is turn toward me. Turn toward my son, Jesus. All my beloved children.
I am here waiting for you to come home. You need safety, security and a warm fire. Let the Holy Spirit and my son, Jesus, heal you. You don’t need all the things and you don’t need to “do” anything.
You just need to open your self to receive my love.
I want to love you back to health. I want to nurture you back to wholeness. I want to redeem you and show you lovingly where your sins have caused such darkness in your life. SIN leads to death of your soul.
All the other teachings and paths are bogus, fake and false and they harm you.
Come home and let me heal you. Let me deliver you. Let me show you want real love is.
STOP and Pause….Breathe in and out. And let me come to you.
You are safe now. You are safe in my arms, just as you are.
I will lovingly clean you up. Sort your life out, and set you firm on the path I have for you.
It’s love. Real love. The love of your Heavenly Father. I am calling home my sheep…who’s ready to come home?