Healing the Inner Hurts
Inner Healing with Jesus is beautiful…
Healing the root, changes the fruit!
Inner Healing is a gift from God. We need Him to enter the deepest pains in order for lasting healing to take place. This is something I have personally experienced and although it’s not easy to feel the difficult emotions, I want to let you know that it’s worth it. If left unhealed, the deep roots of emotional pain create messy weeds in the garden of our heart. This is how enmeshment, entanglement, and chronic relationship issues start to build.
The other day I took a whole day to just be with Jesus, and I asked Him to help me get to the root of something very painful that was showing up in relationship with someone in my life. Bringing those feelings connected to the spirit of rejection and abandonment, Jesus showed me the root cause and then He began to heal my heart. It was like a supernatural surgery for my heart.
There is truly no substitute or alternate, we simply need Jesus to do this work. If you’re new to Inner Healing, it does help to receive the skilled support of another who understands the process and journey of this kind of Inner Healing.
While we have all been hurt in human relationships. Although we cannot avoid pain in our human experience, we can definitely be supported by strengthening our relationship with Christ Jesus.
I write this entry to offer you hope for the healing of the core roots of chronic emotional pain.
It is in our nature to harm one another whether we like to admit this or not. Our sinful nature is what makes us prone to harming ourselves and others. Our sinful nature is a result of the original fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. That’s why it’s so important to receive healing that is Holy Spirit led. We need to learn We need the redemption offered to us by Christ, so that Jesus can come into the original core wound and heal it for us. I used to attempt healing without Jesus, and although it did offer temporary relief, it was only when Jesus came into my life that real lasting healing began.
Those Inner Hurts, that part in us that is like a young wounded child is crying for skilled loving attention and presence.
The Inner Hurts show up in the ways we feel anxiety, depression, addiction, repeated injury, heartbreaking relationship issues, and chronic physical pain. You may not realize it's Inner Hurt, but if there is chronic unhappiness or overwhelm in your life, there is something deep within that needs attention.
The Good News is that there is real hope for lasting healing and with the right support you can truly put the past to rest with the support of Jesus and counseling that is biblically sound. With prayer and Holy Spirit led healing, the core roots of each wound can surface for a supernatural and deep lasting healing.
Heavenly Father God, thank you for your unconditional and perfect love.
I thank you for the ways you love me with gentle care,
you always knows what to say and how to soothe my deepest root woundings.
Lord Jesus, I pray that you see me, hear me, comfort me, and show
me what is the root of this emotional pain. Lord, I trust you and I know you are going
show me what I need to know so I can move forward with purity and wholeness in my heart.
In Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen…
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.
Psalm 34:18
And he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits,
to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every affliction.
Matthew 10:1