When you are lost
Feeling alone and lost…
Jesus will bring you back home.
"I don't want to feel alone anymore. I want to feel happiness again, and I want know how I am feeling because sometimes I don't have a clue. I want to be a better mom, and I want know where I'm supposed to be. I bounce around so much. I attract people who cannot be with me. I try to be nice to everybody but I end up chasing after everyone. I feel lonely and it's confusing and it really hurts."
A mother of 4 beautiful children, she is allowing herself the time and space for inner healing.
"I'm in such a bad place. I cannot wait until we meet for our sessions, because you are my last hope."
She has experienced a childhood full of emotional neglect, parental immaturity and a painful lack of essential emotional attunement. It is because of this lack of emotional attunement and emotional connection that she is feeling lost, and so confused. The wounded part within her thinks it's all her fault, but as the healing process begins her identity will be restored. Her authority in Christ will be restored. Her new foundation for life and hope in Christ will be solidified.
So many women experience these feelings along the inner healing journey. It comes in waves of anxiety, depression, chronic physical pain, lostness and confusion, suicidal ideation and just not knowing their identity in Christ.
We know that feeling lost is not the way we are meant to live, but how did we get here?
The reason why someone feels lost is a combination of things. The two main components are not experiencing healthy loving and emotionally attuning relationships during childhood, and no deep relational connection to God. During the journey of Inner Healing though, the inner hurts surface so that the relational connection to God can be built ~ and soon a surrender, a trust, and an unwavering faith in Christ Jesus will be built. All of the pain is a gift, if we learn how to feel it, name it, express it, and share it with God.
We can learn how to come out of emotional numbness, and we can learn how to put words to our emotions and then relate with effectiveness, vulnerability, honesty and openness when we are in safe connections.
New hope for life comes when we know how to create healthy relationships with ourselves, with God and with others.
I always start by supporting my clients and their connection with God. This is the foundation for everything in life.
Lord Jesus, thank you for bringing me to my knees during this time of need.
I know that you are the one who will restore my wholeness and that you will
heal the brokenness I am feeling. Lord, do your mighty work in my life.
I surrender it all to you now.
In Jesus mighty name, I pray… Amen.
The Lord is good and glad to teach the proper path to all
who go astray; he will teach the ways that are right and best
to those who humbly turn toward him. And when we obey
kindness and his truth.
Psalms 26:8