My Testimony with the Holy Spirit entering
Indwelling Holy Spirit
And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
~ Genesis 1:2
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. ~ Acts 1:8
When the presence of the Holy Spirit came and lifted me up and out of a dark looming pit while living in Costa Rica in March of 2022, He entered with the most incredibly glorious, loving, caring, gentle presence.
He entered in a way only Jesus could, making it absolutely impossible to remain distant. Absolutely impossible to remain indifferent. Absolutely impossible to remain skeptical, unbelieving, and doubtful.
All I could do in His presence was SUBMIT.
In this one brilliant moment, I changed forever.
Born again of the Holy Spirit!
It was physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally impossible to deny His existence, presence or realness.
Jesus was in the house!
His HOLY FIRE embrace burst through the thick-armored walls of my tired and weary heart, straight into the wholeness of my body. He came on a rescue mission, and I knew this was His intention immediately.
He came as bridegroom to save His beloved bride, and I was the bride! I do not write those words lightly, it is more true than words can express.
He came to soften and lift me up and out of a relentless, dark clenching and deceiving spirit of fear, a quite familiar and clever spirit that had taken ahold of me in early childhood.
This spirit of fear had been trying to strangle life out of me.
This spirit of fear could not be wrestled to the ground by my own strength one more day longer. This spirit of fear could not be overcome by my own efforts. This spirit of fear was a battle only for Jesus. This spirit of fear was a spirit I had been trying to befriend, and tap into this spirit of fear so I could embrace it. This was a spirit of fear I had been dancing with, without a clue how it was trying to take me out!
I had no choice BUT TO SUBMIT to Jesus and let Him save me, and eventually teach me how to battle in the supernatural. A new world was about to open up right before my eyes!
Jesus knew long before I had ever understood.
In this moment the spiritual battle upon my life began.
(And little did I know I was headed for a year long training in spiritual warfare…more on that later)
JESUS entered swiftly.
I was standing up when it happened and had to sit down on the small bed to the left of me to catch from stumbling to the ground. His presence melted the tight gripping tension in my body. He brought me to complete surrender.
Jesus, whom I knew very little about, having only read 2 short scriptures from the Bible earlier that year, came to me completely.
What was I experiencing? It had enveloped me so endearingly…This was actually Jesus Christ! He is real.
Out loud I said the words from my mouth, “oh no Jesus, I’m not going to become a religious person now like a Christian!” I remember it so clearly, the resistant first words uttered from my mouth. A moment I cannot ever forget. The last words of resistance to Jesus I ever spoke…
He answered me clearly without a word. Instead His Holy embrace deepened into every fiber of my body and knowing.
He knew my body needed rest and surrender above all else. So His embrace deepened and amplified into a warm, golden, supernatural answer. His supernatural answer fully satisfied every question, every doubt. His answer communicated clearly and effectively that I was His now, and it was now clear who He was and why I absolutely needed Him all the days of my life.
This was a supernatural experience.
Any shred or sliver of resistance I had toward Him or about Him, Jesus Christ, completely left my body in an instant.
I relinquished into Him, like cold ice gently melts when the sun appears, warmly transforming all that is hard to a beautiful, crystal clear flowing water in His Holy embrace.
Someone who has not yet had the experience of the Holy Spirit might read this and think this is really strange, and slightly or a lot crazy. I understand! It makes sense.
To understand Jesus with the mind is a mental and LIMITED experience.
To experience Jesus supernaturally is a holy and UNLIMITED experience.
It is something that sweeps you off your feet and takes you home into the peace beyond all understanding!
Before JESUS came for me I had a limited and mental understanding of a man whom I knew by the name of Jesus.
He was someone I knew others studied and followed. Perhaps someone I’d one day learn some good things about love from.
But I was busy doing many things to study trauma-informed healing, healthy human relating, and attempting to reach an enlightenment state of self realization, a higher consciousness so I could feel more at peace and more empowered to create reality through my own human superpowers and self mastery.
Jesus seemed like someone I’d one day read more about. But I wasn’t really interested in Jesus until one day I got on my knees after my "inner mother" ~ a figure I had come to know and love deeply on my inner healing journey ~ told me to get on my knees and ask Jesus who He was.
And that is when Jesus came in and held me like I have never been held before. This is when the presence of the Holy Spirit came and lifted me up and out of a dark looming pit and gave me a chance for new life.
Thank you for reading, and sharing in my personal testimony!
I hope this sheds some light on how the Holy Spirit moves and the Reborn Again Moments
that are available to us all!
God Bless You, to all who are reading this now.
God Loves You so much.