Coming out of silence
Coming out of hiding…
When unhealthy relating has caused you to go into hiding, healthy relating with Jesus at the center of your heart will bring you out of hiding and into new life!
There is the natural world and the supernatural world.
The natural world is the earthly realm, and the supernatural is the heavenly realm.
In this post I will share what can happen when in the natural world (in human flesh)
when there is unhealthy relating…
When in the natural world you are silenced, unheard, unseen, unloved, uncared for, neglected, abandoned, rejected, abused, left alone when you needed help the most likely shut down your human feelings, your needs, your vulnerability, and your voice.
Unexpressed, we may start believing lies of the enemy, which is a very real thing. Satan is the master of lies, deception, and he has only come to kill, steal and destroy. His agenda is to destroy relationships, destroy family, and destroy life. So we need to know his tactics and armor up!
We might end up being so quiet, polite, and kind, and in many ways a pretend version of ourselves that is fake, inauthentic, and walking around the natural world with blind-spots of unhealed wounding leading our life. Anxious. Depressed. Hopeless. Exhausted. Overwhelmed. Heavy. Angry, unresolved, bitter, unforgiving, dismissive, and cold. Maybe feeling we just want to get life over with. Or maybe just accepting that ife is a bland-shade-of-grey.
We are then conditioned to put a mask on to not scare people away, stay busy and resist sharing ourselves with safe people, we fear being judged, ridiculed, controlled, manipulated, and other things that are not life-giving.
Not only are we far from God in this bleak and loveless place, we are also far from other human beings.....
We isolate so we don't have to experience rejection and abandonment all over again. Understandably so, we are learning how to let healthy real loving into our life and into our hearts.
We are like birds in a very small confined cage!
When in the supernatural, we open our hearts to Jesus Christ. Here we develop a deep relationship with God, Holy Spirit, Jesus and the protection of the Armor of God.
With Jesus in our hearts, we who are skilled in listening and caring without condemnation who also have JESUS in their hearts, we fully come out of hiding and we go through an incredible process of healing ~ relational and religious traumas.
We are finally heard, finally seen, finally unconditionally loved, finally cared for, finally joined with others who are able to love us out of the wounding, love us out of the condemnation, love us out of the lies, love us out of the dark.
Letting ourselves be so completely loved by our Heavenly Father, which requires a deep intimate connection with Him, brings us into better relational connection with others. We are so worthy of being unconditionally loved by our Heavenly Father.
Loved by Him and only Him (no others idols or false gods) we come out of silencing ourselves finally, because with Jesus the son of God, we can finally experience the unconditional relationship with our One Creator. His armor & authority casts out the schemes of the enemy.
We bring our troubles and struggles to GOD, and His son Jesus and the Holy Spirit because we have chosen to take a giant leap of faith into His arms! We are finally now building the most IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIP of all, as a firm foundation for all other relating we do in the natural world.
In the supernatural world, where we open ourselves to the identity and authority we all can freely claim in the name of Jesus, we are finally set free.
We must be set free daily with Jesus in order to bring Heaven on Earth. We need Holy Spirit!
Heavenly Father, thank you for showing me the ways to walk in the supernatural.
Thank you for showing me how to live, love, and have healthy boundaries as
I draw nearer to you. Thank you for showing me how to battle in the supernatural realm, and to
take care of my relationship with you as I put you first before all other relationships. Thank you for showing
me how to walk with you Jesus. I love you, Jesus. You are my rock. My firm foundation.
I pray this, in theme of Jesus, the name above all names, Amen.